Current Members
Dr. Walker is currently seeking students with projects in both organic and biochemistry. Apply today!
Past Members
2019 Students
- Brittany Armstrong
- Degree Earned: BS Chemistry
2018 Students
- Hunter DeHaan
- Degree Pursuing: PhD Chemistry at Duke University
- Degree Earned: BS Chemistry
- Scholarships/Fellowships: BP America
- Jeffery Dykstra
- Degree Pursuing: MD at Indiana University School of Medicine
- Degree Pursuing: BS Chemistry
- Jordenne Hudson
- High School Student from Andrean High School
- Christine Valentin
- Degree Pursuing: PharmD
- Degree Earned: BS Chemistry
- Scholarships/Fellowships: Keith Lorentzen
- Location: Purdue Pharmacy School

- Angel Olvera
- Degree Earned: BS Chemistry
- Scholarships/Fellowships: Hammond College Bound, Outstanding Student in Biochemistry
2016 Students
- Lydia Sadlowski
- Degree Earned: BS Chemistry
- Scholarships/Fellowships: BP Amoco, Silvia Collins, Minority Opportunity for Research Experience (MORE), Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP)
- Awards: Outstanding Freshman in Chemistry Award
- Jennifer Mischevich
- Degree Pursuing: PhD Chemistry
- Earned BS Chemistry
- Scholarships/Fellowships: BP America Scholarship, Dollars for Scholars, Minority Opportunity for Research Experience (MORE)
- Awards: Outstanding Senior
- Location: Doctoral Program Chemistry Purdue University
2015 Students
- Dalton Sommer
- Degree Earned: BS Chemistry Minor Biology and Physics
- Scholarships/Fellowships: Keith Lorentzen
- Awards: Outstanding Student in Analytical Chemistry, Outstanding Student in Organic Chemistry
- Xochilt "Lucy" Villalobos
- Degree Earned: BS General Studies
- Scholarships/Fellowships: IUN retention 2014/2015
- Location: Masters in Education Indiana University Northwest
- Tony Partacz
- Degree Earned: BS Chemistry, Minor in Physics and Psychology
- Scholarships/Fellowships: BP Amoco, IUN Merit
- Awards: Outstanding Student in Analytical and Biochemistry
- Location: BP Chemist
- Saad Aftab
- Degree Earned: BS Chemistry, Minor Physics
- Scholarships/Fellowships: Transfer Gold Tier, Whos Who Among Students of American Universities and Colleges IU Northwest
- Awards: Outstanding student in Organic, Physical Chemistry and Physics
- Location: Lab Tech Daubert Cromwell
- Alexander Maskovich
- Degree Pursuing: BS Chemistry
- Scholarships/Fellowships: Hammond College Bound
2014 Students
- Chris Sicinski DDS
- Degree Earned: BA Chemistry, Minor in Physics and Biology
- Scholarships/Fellowships: Pre-Professional Studies Club Scholarship, Romy S. Chirila Memorial Scholarship, George Dixie Highway Scholarship
- Awards: International Human Cadaver Program: Top Male Prosector 2013, Office of Diversity, Equality and Multicultural Affairs: Diversity Friend Award, Presidential Award for The National Society of Leadership and Success, Whos Who Among Students of American Universities and Colleges IU Northwest
- Earned DDS at IU Dental School
- Alex Topete
- Degree Earned: BS General Studies
- John Ziebiec
- Degree Earned: BS Chemistry with Physics and Math Minor
- Scholarships/Fellowships: BP Amoco
- Outstanding Student in Organic, Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
- Location: M.S. Chemistry University of Oregon (2017) Chemist Hexion (2018)
- Valerie Keehn
- Degree Earned: BS Chemistry with Math minor
- Scholarships/Fellowships: BP Amoco, Keith Lorentzen, IUN Special Academic Scholarship, Peggy Gordon Elliot
- Location: Chemist at Willamette Valley Company, Oregon
Kyle Tomczak (middle)
- Degree Pursuing: PhD Chemistry University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Degree Earned: BS Chemistry with Physics and Math minor
- Scholarships/Fellowships: IUN Special Academic Scholarship, Community Auxiliary