Dr. Walker has lab space in the department of chemistry located in the three-story science/laboratory building. The laboratory is located on the 2nd floor of this facility, which houses other members of the chemistry, and geoscience departments and comprises of 24,000 sq. ft. The private research laboratories total 537 sq. ft. and is fully equipped with two fume hoods, 4 sinks, and sufficient counter space for 4 students to be working simultaneously. The major equipment contained in the research labs includes two rotary evaporators and two high vacuum Schlenk lines, for multi-person use.
Analytical facilities are available on the 2nd floor adjacent to the research laboratory with approximately 1600 sq. ft. Analytical Facilities within the chemistry department: The department of chemistry houses over 15 major chemical instruments for faculty and teaching use. JASCO FT/IR 4200, AgiliMHz NMR spectrometer, Varian LC-MS equipped with Varian 500 MS, Varian 212 LC pumps, Varian Prostar 335 Photodiode Array Detector and Varian Prostar 430 Autosampler. Horiba Jobin Yvon Fluoromax-4 Spectrofluorometer, BAS100B Electrochemical Analyzer with BAS C3 Cell Stand, JASCO Ventuno Laser Raman Spectrophotometer, Shimadzu TOC-5050A Total Organic Carbon Analyzer, Perkin Elmer LS 45 Luminescence Spectrometer, Hewlett Packard 5890 Series II Gas Chromatograph, Water HPLC equipped with Waters 600 controller, Waters 717+ autosampler, Waters 432 conductivity detector, and Waters 996 photodiode array detector. Thermo Scientific ISQ GC-MS system equipped with trace 1310 GC and ISQ MS, Varian AA-475 atomic absorption spectrophotometer, Parr 13421 oxygen bomb calorimeter, icemaker, and a Millipore water filtration system equipped with RiOs 5 and Milli-Q gradient A10.

Varian 400 MHz NMR with Oxford NMR AS400 Magnet and Mercury Console

Perkin Elmer LS 45 Luminescence Spectrometer


BAS100B Electrochemical Analyzer with BAS C3 Cell Stand

Water HPLC equipped with Waters 600 controller, Waters 717+ autosampler, Waters 432 conductivity detector, and Waters 996 photodiode array detector

IKA vacuum pump with RV 8 S01 chiller and MVP 10 basic pump,

Varian LC-MS equipped with Varian 500 MS, Varian 212 LC pumps, Varian Prostar 335 Photodiode Array Detector and Varian Prostar 430 Autosampler.

Parr 13421 oxygen bomb calorimeter

ISQ Single Quadrupole Mass Sprectrometer with Power Module 1R120380-0001, Trace 1310 Gas Chromatograph, AI 1310 autoinjector for GC